Young Leaders ChaChaCha 2024

The Young Leaders Cha-Cha-Cha, also known as the YLCha3, is an upcoming day camp in August 2024 specially for emerging local and international young leaders to network and connect with like-minded individuals, where they will get the chance to exchange ideas and beliefs related to social cohesion.
We have many identities. Faith, ethnicity, culture, nationality – all intertwining and defining us as individuals. How can we unite despite our differences? How do we form bonds and bridge divides?
Participants will get to engage with these questions on a deeper level at YLCha3.

YLCha3 serves as a prelude to the Young Leaders Programme (YLP), a key segment of ICCS – a preeminent event for interfaith and multicultural dialogue that brings together international thought leaders across academic, government, religious groups and the civic sector. [Read more about YLP here] YLCha3 participants will subsequently take part in YLP 2025 where they will have the chance to speak and lead with confidence on issues affecting Singapore’s social cohesion space.

From 16th to 18th August 2024, YLCha3 participants will get to:

Chat and connect with other participants & YLP alumni and share their diverse views on topics regarding social cohesion.
Channel their talents by participating in curated workshops & learning journeys around Singapore to acquire new leadership skillsets and broaden perspectives on multiculturalism. Participants can continue developing newly acquired skills during YLP 2025 through cross-border collaborations with local and international young leaders.
Champion meaningful projects dedicated towards fostering social cohesion. Team up with like-minded participants to explore innovative approaches to strengthen racial & religious harmony.
Programme Overview

Synopses of Sessions

Speakers (Day 1)

Speakers (Day 2)