Breakout Session – Cohesion 1: Hate & Conspiracy Online
This breakout session further investigates issues raised during Plenary 3 around hate, prejudice, and conspiracy online. A key focus is on conspiracy theories. It addresses practical, real world solutions and practices in this regard.
Visual Summary
Father Philip Larrey
Chair of Logic and Epistemology, Pontifical Lateran University, The Vatican
Father Philip Larrey is currently Dean of the Philosophy Department. His publications deal with the philosophy of knowledge and critical thinking. For years he has been following the philosophical implications of the rapid development of artificial intelligence. He has also published several books concerning the effects of the new digital era on society.
Mr Fritjof Knier
Project Manager, Integreat
Mr Fitjof Knier’s multilingual interaction platform, Integreat, provides understandable information for refugees and migrants arriving in a city. It has been implemented in collaboration with over 80 of Germany’s 400 municipal governments throughout the country and most recently launched in Lesvos, Greece as well.
Dr Gulizar Haciyakupoglu
Research Fellow, Centre of Excellence for National Security
S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Dr Gulizar Haziyakupoglu’s research concerns online harms, trust and advocacy. She is also the co-editor of a forthcoming edited volume titled Gender and Security in Digital Space: Navigating Access, Harassment, and Disinformation.